Schlagwort: integration
Big Data – What is next? OLTP, OLAP, Predictive Analytics, Sampling and Probabilistic Databases
Big Data has matured over the last years and is becoming more and more a standard technology used in various industries. Coming from established concepts, such as OLAP or OLTP, in context of Big Data, I go in this blog post beyond them describing what is needed for next generation applications, such as autonomous cars, industry…
DevOps for your business? – About Uniting Development and Operations
DevOps has become in recent years a term for a new paradigm of integrating and managing development as well as operations of software within and cross organizations. I will describe in this blog entry what DevOps is and relate it to existing methodologies, such as agile development, and organizational structures. Basically, DevOps is a broad…
Revisiting Risk Management for Business Process Management/Workflow Systems
Risk management and is a very important topic in the world after the financial crisis and dozens of recent natural hazards. I see risk management as a broad concept that does not only apply to the financial domain, but to any process of any organization. Two years ago, I worked briefly on the topic of…