Schlagwort: api
Mapred vs MapReduce – The API question of Hadoop and impact on the Ecosystem
I will describe in this blog post the difference between the mapred.* and mapreduce.* API in Hadoop with respect to the custom InputFormats and OutputFormats. Additionally I will write on the impact of having both APIs on the Hadoop Ecosystem and related Big Data platforms, such as Apache Flink, Apache Hive and Apache Spark. Finally,…
Enterprise Architecture Management in Business Networks
In my last blog post, I wrote about multi-cloud scenarios for enterprise applications focusing on enterprise applications of one company distributed over several different cloud providers. This blog post will be about enterprise applications connecting data, processes and the organization of different companies within business networks. Particularly complex scenarios with a high competition and margins,…
Scenarios for Inter-Cloud Enterprise Architecture
The unstoppable cloud trend has arrived at the end users and companies. Particularly the first ones openly embrace the cloud, for instance, they use services provided by Google or Facebook. The latter one is more cautious fearing vendor lock-in or exposure of secret business data, such as customer records. Nevertheless, for many scenarios the risk…