Schlagwort: analytics
Blockchain Consensus Algorithms – Proof of Anything?
Blockchains have been proven over the last years to be stable distributed ledger technologies. Stable refers to the fact that they can recover from attacks and/or bugs without compromising their assets. They are most commonly known for enabling transaction with virtual cryptocurrencies not issued by a central authority. Popular examples are Bitcoin and Ethereum. However,…
Hive Optimizations with Indexes, Bloom-Filters and Statistics
This blog post describes how Storage Indexes, Bitmap Indexes, Compact Indexes, Aggregate Indexes, Covering Indexes/Materialized Views, Bloom-Filters and statistics can increase performance with Apache Hive to enable a real-time datawarehouse. Furthermore, I will address how index-paradigms change due to big data volumes. Generally it is recommended to use less traditional indexes, but focus on storage indexes…