Kategorie: business
Batch-processing & Interactive Analytics for Big Data – the Role of in-Memory
In this blog post I will discuss various aspects of in-memory technologies and describe how various Big Data technologies fit into this context. Especially, I will focus on the difference between in-memory batch analytics and interactive in-memory analytics. Additionally, I will illustrate when in-memory technology is really beneficial. In-memory technology leverages the fast main memory…
Big Data – What is next? OLTP, OLAP, Predictive Analytics, Sampling and Probabilistic Databases
Big Data has matured over the last years and is becoming more and more a standard technology used in various industries. Coming from established concepts, such as OLAP or OLTP, in context of Big Data, I go in this blog post beyond them describing what is needed for next generation applications, such as autonomous cars, industry…
Master Data Management and the Internet of Things
Master Data Management (MDM) has matured and grown significantly over the last years. The main motivation for master data management is to have a complete and accurate view on master data objects in your organization. Master data objects describe key assets, such as machines or customers, generating value for your organization. Hence, MDM fosters processes…
The Lambda Architecture for Big Data in your Enterprise
I will present in this blog post the Lambda architecture for Big Data. This architecture is about integrating historical Big Data with “live” streaming Big Data. Afterwards, the concept of a large data lake in your enterprise or amongst enterprises in a B2B scenario is explained. This data lake – based on the lambda architecture…
DevOps for your business? – About Uniting Development and Operations
DevOps has become in recent years a term for a new paradigm of integrating and managing development as well as operations of software within and cross organizations. I will describe in this blog entry what DevOps is and relate it to existing methodologies, such as agile development, and organizational structures. Basically, DevOps is a broad…
Big Data: Bring Computation to Data
Big Data is the topic of the coming years. Even today large Internet companies store exabytes of data and their revenue model is based on selling products as well as services around this data. Consequently, they need to process data using advanced statistical methods, such as machine learning. Hence, they need to think about how…
Enterprise Architecture Management in Business Networks
In my last blog post, I wrote about multi-cloud scenarios for enterprise applications focusing on enterprise applications of one company distributed over several different cloud providers. This blog post will be about enterprise applications connecting data, processes and the organization of different companies within business networks. Particularly complex scenarios with a high competition and margins,…
Scenarios for Inter-Cloud Enterprise Architecture
The unstoppable cloud trend has arrived at the end users and companies. Particularly the first ones openly embrace the cloud, for instance, they use services provided by Google or Facebook. The latter one is more cautious fearing vendor lock-in or exposure of secret business data, such as customer records. Nevertheless, for many scenarios the risk…
Modularizing your Business and Software Component Design
In this blog, I will talk about modularizing your enterprise from a business and software perspective. We start from the business perspective, where I provide some background how today’s businesses are modularized. Afterwards, we will investigate how we can support the modularized business with software components and how they can be designed. Finally, we will…
Bitcoin & Co: Perspectives for Cryptomoney in your Business
I will talk in this blog entry about Cryptomoney with special emphasis on how you can offer payment with Cryptomoney in your business and what you might need to consider when doing this. Cryptomoney is produced by individuals and used for transactions involving real as well as virtual goods. It does not require a central…